Rhythm with Signs
The System of Ritmo con Señas (rhythm with signs) is a sign language specifically designed for conducting musical compositions in real time. Created in 2006, by Argentinian musician and composer Santiago Vasquez, to perform with his group La Bomba del Tiempo, it quickly became a phenomenon that transformed the cultural paradigm of Buenos Aires. Nowadays, this language is used by musicians all over the world.
Using more than 130 hand and body signs, the conductor guides the performing musicians to create a collective composition in real time. Each gesture can relate to a different musical aspect (rhythm, melody, harmony, structure, etc.), to present certain priorities and goals that modulate the sound material into a specific musical piece.
CIRCULAR makes a unique use of this language in the European context using solely voice and body percussion. The improvisations appeal to different styles and world music elements that create a rich vocabulary in constant transformation. Here the melodies, harmonies and rhythms become a palette of musical colours with which the group permanently constructs (and deconstructs) new soundscapes and compositions
Para mais info sobre o Ritmo con Señas visitar o site de Santiago Vazquez